Saturday, June 4, 2011

One of My Best Friends

I think that I am very lucky because I have friends that are very special to me. Among my friends there is Julie. She is like my age altough she is older for a few months. She is from Germany and I am from Mexico. We haven´t seen each other since 2003. Even that we lost contact for so many years thanks to facebook we found each other almost 2 years ago.

Julie is very tall and slim. She has medium brown hair. She has big brown eyes, a pug nose and big mouth. She is so cute, especially when she smiles.

 She is very helpful, caring and honest. When we first met, I felt so secure around her, she was always there when I needed her. She always tried her best to help who was around. Although we nearly have the same tastes and interests, we have some different characters, I guess because We are from different countries. There is mutual trust and a perfect sympathy between us, We are very close friends but We live so far away from each other. She is also responsible and careful. I think as time goes by, our friendship will be deeper and deeper, doesn´t matter how far we are.

One of the things that she loves is traveling, she has been in so many places!!! France, USA, Spain, Mexico, and other countries. She loves Volleyball, it is her favorite sport, she is very good at it.



  1. Hello!

    Cute blog, nice colors :)

    Hey it is interesting your best freind is from Germany, wow, I don't have friends in someother countries, but I think it would be really exciting.

    Well cya!

  2. hi pilar
    wow i think that is very cool have a friend in germany

    i think that you have a good friend too

    well take care

    jazmin vega

  3. Hi Pili!
    Your blog its so colorful, and your entrie was so interesting! Thanks for share this little part of your history.

  4. good pic, it's so cute :3

    wow "the power of facebook", i found friends too, thanks to FB XD

    n_n" bye bye!
